Senin, 05 September 2011

Review Musik: ‘Dear Soft-Baked Chocolate Chip Cookie, I Love You’

its a song by Adhita Sofyan. this review is made for a cca assignment.

‘Dear Soft-Baked Chocolate Chip Cookie, I Love You’ review by Nabila F. Bunyamin
Warning: this review may not sound like one. Never did such writing before, just silly blog posts
Figure 1 Latar untuk lagu ini, dalam video yg diunggah di profil youtube Adhitia Sofyan
Dirilis di situs resmi milik Adhitia Sofyan ( 21 Juli lalu, penulis baru sempat mencicipi single terakhir rilisan bedroom singer asal Jakarta ini di hari terakhir Ramadhan - bahkan saat itu  beberapa keluarga penulis sudah merayakan lebaran, mengingat pemerintah ‘menggeser’ 1 syawal-. Kesan pertama? Judulnya panjang. Bukan tipikal Adhitia Sofyan yang selama ini saya kenal. Setelah diputar, ternyata aransemen-nya juga sedikit diluar dari kebiasan seniman berkacamata kotak ini. Alih alih petikan gitar melankolis, intro yang menyambut  justru berirama sweet ala pop-jazz yang mengingatkan saya pada nuansa album Dream, Hope & Faith-nya Monita Tahalea. Agak jauh memang, tapi secara keseluruhan single ini memang terasa agak lain dengan lagu-lagu di album Quiet Down maupun Forget Your Plans, bahkan koleksi Surprise Song. Hentakan drum centil yg mengisi semenjak detik ke 75, sedikit menambah kejutan – lagi lagi bukan sesuatu yang berada di kawasan ekspektasi saya untuk sebuah lagu milik Adhitia Sofyan  Biarpun begitu, ditilik dari segi lirik karya ini masih terasa familiar; tidak membahas romantika menye-menye, namun mengangkat eksplorasi alat indera terhadap suasana. Berisi senandung pujaan untuk choco chip cookies, karya pemenang Favourite Solo Artist di 1st ICEMA ini benar-benar cocok mengisi suasana after-baking seperti di rumah penulis saat review ini ditulis. Mendengarkan lagu ini di depan tumpukkan brownies, cake, praline dan choco cornflake yang masih fresh di sore terakhir perjuangan melawan nafsu sebulan bukan sesuatu yang akan saya sarankan. Lebih baik cari waktu saat tidak berpuasa, duduk di teras rumah sore hari, kalau bisa gerimis – ini pilihan- , ditemani secangkir cokelat hangat yang ditaburi bubuk kayu manis sembari menanti cookies yang sedang dipanggang – “I want my soft-baked chocolate chip cookie, on a time like this it can certainly change my views” – biarkan frasa-frasa ini bersenandung di telinga, berkolaborasi dengan aroma manis dari arah dapur, memanjakan alat indera.  Apalagi kalau yang membawakan sajian selegit cookiesnya – as the song says: ‘It should be seventh wonders of the world.’  - (Salam kue coklat, maaf lahir batin jika dibaca saat sedang diet/puasa sunnah)

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Behind the Future Ahead

Oh sure, it always take me so long to write another post. like, months.
yep, been busy with papers and papers and papers and finally final paper and have just been a fresh high school graduate.

whats up with me? well, i cut my hair. it doesnt change the way i look dramatically, but well, i feel quite fresh for a new beginning. i admit i dont do a lot to society lately. one plan of social project has officially fall into the ground and burnt into ashes.

and thats not the only thing that crash.  deep down inside, my soul was broken. i've faced so much rejections in life, but i remember that day, that Thursday, when my world turns upside down. I went overseas for an entrance exam, and went to another city to aim for scholarship. I literally dying for a chance to pursue education overseas. i was not sleeping for like a week or so to study. I tried to save my mother's dignity by aiming a scholarship in one of the prestigious private uni in Indonesia. And on that day of march 2011, i felt like an total idiot. The rejection email from overseas came on 2pm and that other uni announced that they wouldnt give me scholarship for the major i planned to take there on 4 pm. on 6 pm, i was buried under blankets, pillows, furry dolls, pretending to sleep. that was the hardest sequence of two hours in my life. felt like i had turn my back on my parents, wasted all their efforts to get me here and there to take those tests. i felt the outrageous rage to my own incapability."There are people who can get them", i said to my self. "A lot of people could even achieve better than that, why couldnt you, idiot?", i asked to myself. I was mad at myself for being such a failure. i was extremely disappointed. it was like, the lowest point of all my time in pursuing education. the first time i feel like all these years i study was wasted. i thought i should better stop going to school earlier and pursue career in a very young age. forget all those time i spent for reading books, taking papers and all the money you spent for classes; they could do nothing at all, i thought. i started to care less about school, thinking that everything i do will get me nowhere, felt like i was running out of chances, wanted to stop trying because i know how painful failure is. it was like someone rip off your chest and stab you right at the heart, but you didnt die just because you cant. you have to feel every bit of pain all those excruciation. are you tired yet of seeing me being   gloomy? dont be, here comes the twist.

yeah well, i fail again on my final grades. my average GPA is only eight point something out of ten. i was so stubborn and cocky not to do as what most do, as they say being unfair is common and usual and even almost a necessary if i want to get thru. and as predicted i ended up in jealousy of others grade, others who i literally saw and can prove cheating. "HA! life's unfair and you have to learn to live with that!" i yelled to my self. I was hurt from the very core of me. oh yeah, i acted like im okay with all of these. i appeared to always be happy-go-lucky , but only few know how much i was mentally destroyed. i kept positive thought tho, just to stay in sanity. i was, despite all the mental strength degradation, pushing my self to see the bright side. to not to lost hope. i turned to be introvert for a while, spent lots of time to rebuild a sincere smile from within. at that time, i almost forget how to laugh effortlessly. i didnt read self-helping books, instead i kept entertaining books away from me, and took a tuition and was like, the geek-est among the geeks. i started to see a light, a better understanding of everything i learn at school. pile by pile, i started piling back every bellows of sand of my hill of trust, to myself . well, i know im not an einstein-genius or a supreme brainiacs, but at least i now have a better understanding of my capability,of  what i am good at and what i am slack at.

i was, finally, in a better state of mind. i was finally be in peace again with myself. i realized that even if i cant blame anyone of what i did wrong, i also cant be in war to myself. it is cliche, but, well, you can do nothing else but to learn from what you did wrong. you cant fix the past, but no matter how bad you've done you always deserve a better future. I learned that dreams can wait, but future cant. even if your dreams fall off, you cant just abandon the future that lies in front of you.

and you know what? the better you think of yourself, the better your life goes. i was prepared to take another entrance exam test, the national league, where my chance is 1 out of 9000, (overall, thats what my tuition service offers: preparation for the national entrance exam for public uni) when i found out that i got accepted in Bandung Institute of Technology, one place i never even dare to dream to continue education at, thru a proposal that i sent without putting any hope on, i was tired of even wishing at the moment. yeah, this is no overseas, but this is still a bless, a gift from the Creator of universe. this is the place my dad dreamed  to continue studying when he was my age. a place that can put my mothers' dignity back on to the big family; as the last offspring i can finally make quite a notable hit. I'll be studying in school of planning and architecture, despite whatever people say about me taking this degree, i am excited to be enrolled.
you know how does it feel to finally taste the tip of bright light after being drown in sorrow? it does much more than healing the wound, it is.. dragging me back to essence of life. i feel even better than i was before the  moony march.

Therefore, i am grateful. I am very grateful.
Praise the Lord, Subhanallah.

And this, is the story i'll remember when i got thru hard times in the future.
This, is the story, behind my future ahead.

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Mobile java software: Rumus Fisika by Ganesha Operation

beberapa hari yang lalu gue sempet iseng buka website Ganesha Operation, salah satu bimbel yang muridnya berjubel di sekolah gue. Trus ketemu ini nih: aplikasi rumus fisika buat di handphone, works on java platform. so, make sure your phone has java before installing. lumayan lengkap kok, rumus dari kelas X-XII ada, cuma memang tampilannya kurang seru sih, berasa buku catatan dipindahin ke hp aja deh. Biarpun gue bukan murid GO, gue rasa ngga apa-apa kalo gue post link aplikasi ini di sini, secara mereka juga nyediain dengan bebas dan free di website resminya GO. 
ini linknya, monggo didownload:

semoga ada gunanya ya, folks. doain UN gue yee, bentar lagi nih.

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Failures and Rejection

I'm so sick of these.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Kittens and 17

They say, age is just a number. Well, to me, 17 is some number :D

It has been 5 weeks since the day i turned 17, but i am still grateful for finally be in the age when i can apply for ID card and get a legal driving license, haha.

So far, my 17's the best birthday ever.
i dont make party or some sort. 5 February 2011, gue lagi persiapan buat tes universitas minggu depannya. Dan sedang di tengah-tengah minggu ujian di sekolah. Gak kebayang kalo gue bikin party, bisa2 gue mabok ngabisin makanan sendiri gara-gara kaga ada yg dateng. Kecuali kalo di tengah-tengah pesta gue selipin seminar/lecturing ujian. Timing-nya memang lagi menyedihkan banget. Kakak gue juga ga bisa pulang buat ngerayain bareng2 sama gue. Nyokap gue juga hari itu mau berangkat ke luar kota. Anak-anaknya kucing gue, Pesek, juga belum ada dua bulan umurnya, belum bisa pada nyanyi happy birthday. Eh, itu mah sampe kapan juga belom bisa ya. Anyway, yep, i got newborn kitties. Lahir 30 Desember 2011, tengah malem di depan kaki gue. Entah kenapa kucing gue dengan sangat tidak wajar melahirkan di tengah2 lampu menyala, di tengah-tengah lantai ruang keluarga. Tepat di depan kaki gue. sekarang anak-anaknya udah segede gini (ditampilkan sesuai urutan lahir):
ini namanya Jambul. i think you can see why. Yep, for that big orange spot right in the middle of his head.
 Lahir jam 10-an malem, paling pertama.  Sempet bikin gue panik setengah idup nyangkain dia mati gara2 kaga nangis2 begitu lahir. Hobinya nonton tivi. Berkat hobinya ini, gue ga mesti repot2 nemenin nyokap nonton sinetron. Bener kata orang-orang, setiap anak lahir membawa berkah.

meet Thera, the most wanted of all. 
Anak temen2 nyokap gue rebutan mau adopsi yang satu ini. Mereka ga tau aja kalo dia ini paling sering mencret dan diare. Plus, kalo nangis bisa ngalahin bunyi toa mesjid. Tapi memang, dia mirip model bungkus whiskes kitten. Makanya dia hobi nyundul bungkus whiskes ke orang-orang, ceritanya biar pamer gitu kalo mukanya terkenal. And also another way untuk minta tambahan makanan. Memang cerdas seperti pemiliknya. Sekarang sudah diadopsi tante gue.

Tiger. Kesayangan gue. Omnivora. Atau lebih tepatnya, elit-vora. Seneng makan roti, keju dan molen. Juga kapan-saja-vora. Kayaknya tiap jam laper melulu. Gaya tidur favorit: telentang dan ngangkang. Hobinya ngaca. Sedang belajar main gitar (baca: berusaha mutusin senar gitar gue). Paling susah dibangunin. Kalo udah tidur, bunyi guntur sama semut lewat sama aja buat dia mah.

this is Adut. Dinamai untuk ke acak-adut-an motif tubuhnya. 
Bibirnya setengah merah setengah item. Tapak kaki kanannya juga gitu. Gue ga tau dia lahir jam berapa, karna jaraknya paling jauh sama yang lain. Satu-satunya betina. Paling sensitif. Kalo lagi dibecandain abang-abangnya, bisa sampe marah beneran, sampe bulunya berdiri semua. Dasar perempuan.

and this is the very happy mother
Yang dipeluk ya, bukan yang lagi meluk. Memang kadang susah dibedain. Sama-sama pesek dan buluan sih. 

Now, about my birthday. Talking about cats always drives me away from anything i am currently doing.
Mom and Dad managed a surprise at a cafe, at 00.00 sharp. They hired a singer to sing me a happy birthday, then give me a heart-shaped box, filled with chocolate and a surprise gift. Super duper sweet. You know what made me even happier? The first thing i did in my great age of 17 was singing with dad playing the piano, and mom in the middle of the tiny crowd, watching me and dad for the very first time. That was an amazing moment.

I managed to stay awake till the morning. And at school, my very best friend worked with my class and made me:

what a cake :D

While at home, in my room, just after the school finished, my girls made me these

This all, makes me.. well, words are sometimes just somehow insufficient. 

The thing about birthday, is, it isnt just about a change of age. Its a reminder of what you have all these time, in your whole life. Birthday's celebrated to remind you of a lot of love you have around you. You just cant be too young or too old for that much of love.

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Peta Konsep Biologi kelas XI

hayo, yang kelas XI, monggo di-download salah satu simpenanku:
peta konsep biologi kelas XI IPA (klik link di samping). feel free to request any file, siapa masih nyimpen file tugas2 jaman kelas x-xi *songong mentang2 sudah tahun senior*. bisa ngimel aja ato mention ke @dedemboo via twitter.
err, tapi itu peta konsepnya juga hasil telusuran di dunia maya.

anyway, mohon doa untuk lanjutan pendidikan ya. Insya allah februari sudah mulai tes2 universitas. *terselubung*