Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Mother's Day

Tomorrow's mother's day, and i decide to give this to my mom. I just cant hold back my tears when thinking about her, all of the things she has done for me and the entire family, all of her sacrifices. God, thank you for giving me an angel to live with in this perishable life..
oh mom, i may don't say it a lot.. but I do Love You so much :')

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

The Types of Text Table (download)

i was googling for text types, and i found a page of explanation in this webpage. I decided to convert them into a table to help me remember them. Click this to go to the download page and grab it (it's in *.pdf, so you need adobe acrobat to view them). I hope it helps you too!

And please, please, please, wish me luck for my semester exam, too :D